Thank you for your time and consideration, and Welcome to our Fiscal Sponsorship website.
Economic Empowerment Foundation for Exempt Startups & Small Businesses (EEF-501c)™ is a national charitable foundation focused on elevating under-served & ignored market of 501c start-up & tax exempt entrepreneurs with in the small business community. In honor of the charities 10-year anniversary we’ve changed our name (from The Learners Lab Foundation) to EEF-501c™ which now reflects both our intended impact on our Stakeholder Market.
Pardon our dust as we work to update and migrate our web products across the Internet space. Both our main website and all our the other products within the Charitable Collaborative are transitioning to a new environment & platform in addition to name and content updates that are underway. These are all part of a slew of 10th Anniversary progression our volunteers are managing, and we hope will be complete or be back online as soon as possible.
EEF-501c™ a collaborative of volunteers running a growing pool of empowerment charities whose relaunches are staged for the next 12 months. We customize incubator, economic development, finance, communication, B2B, workforce training, and other business assets through our lead Charity.
The Foundation serves as Fiscal Sponsor for future 501c’s at the idea stage to the small business 5 years into their IRS approval as a tax-exempt entity, with the entire collaborative managed thru our parent entity, the 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC™, also newly renamed.
Meantime, thank you so much for visiting our site and considering us as your Fiscal Sponsor. We look forward to learning more about you, tailoring our incubator network to your needs and hope to serve as your Fiscal Sponsor and welcoming into TASC Clients (technical assistance service center) as well.
Feel free to reach out for a Program Description to share with your Board and other Stakeholders and we look forward to helping your propel your exempt project, program, or organization forward.
Thanks again for your time and stay safe!
EEF-501c™ received its Letter of Determination granting tax exempt status under IRS Code 501(c)3, Sub Charter 509(a)2 designation as a Public Charitable Foundation in February 2015 effective October 2014, our formation date. Monetary contributions enjoy a 50% tax credit.

The 501c Economic Development Collaborative (501cEDC)™ is our Trade Name for the Economic Empowerment Foundation for Exempt Startups & Small Businesses (EEF-501c)™.
Our parent is the 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC™
EIN: 45-5222602 | NAICS: 926110, 541618, 541690, 611430, 541611 | SIC: 9611, 8748 | NTEE: S30, S43 | MD BIZ: D16166209 | MD CHARITY ID: 38901 | UEI ID: PR22BPAV23L8 | CAGE CODE: 09B02 | DUNS: 080531844. | EEF-501c™ is the first-ever and first of its kind Small Business & Economic Development Public Charitable Foundation for 501c Startups, Entrepreneurs, & the Exempt Small Business Concern. EEF-501c™ recently incorporated the Single-Member LLC demographic into its peer-based support eco-system which originated with our parent entity, 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC™ | EEF501cBizInc™ * Since 2014 & 1980 Respectively * All Rights Reserved.