You’ll find both direct downloads as well as a Compressed Files Library page for all 501c-Biz Incubator™ & EEF-501c™ limited release materials, including our Early-Bird Discount offerings, Pre-Qualification Applications, Empowership™ (memberships) & Program Registrations, General & Supporting Materials on our Public Service Resource Library (PSRL)™.
ATTN: Vendors, Supplier & OEMs: Our “Open Call” Request for Application (RFA) to do business with us & our various Startup/Small Business Markets as Pollination Partners Network (PPN)™ will post shortly. It will be available on PSRL™ and our EarlyBird Registration Site. So stay tuned!
Fiscal Sponsorship & Specialized Programs
Empowership Groups, Early Registration & Hiring
501c Federal Credit Union — Membership & Support; Leadership Residencies
We have a growing portfolio of fiscal sponsorship offerings that cover several areas. Our Primary Sponsorships are Category-based to meet IRS Application, Startup Operations, or Grant Processing Assistance needs, our Special Circumstance Sponsorships target Trust Fiscal Sponsorship (TFS) for those with operations that must remain confidential, Applicants with real property issues (need to acquire or get rid of) and other specific/unique situations. Visit our Fair Mrkt Valued Assets™ Program sites at FMVA™ & Donate RE respectively.
You can download Applications & other info packages from our Public Service Resource Library for detailed info on everything.
Want to Pre-Pay or need Installments, no problem. Pre-Pays, Installment Deposits & Special Circumstance are the Only time an LOI is required, a single page stating your desired sponsorship & need is good, use an LOR (Letter of Request) if you DO NOT SEE A PROGRAM FITTING YOUR NEED, WE’LL CUSTOMIZE ONE. For Installments, a 1/3 deposit, we’ll chat about the balance as Fees off-set external costs. Your State Business Registration, IRS Tax ID Letter & LOI are all you need to get started. Not registered yet, no worries, we do all business registrations & nationally!
Our institution has changed so we’ve begun updating our payment links. So feel free to email your Sponsorship Request Package to Apply4FiscalSponsorship@The501cBizIncubatorCouncil.com & we’ll forward an invoice, or Snail-Mail with US Postal Money Order Payable to: 501c Business Incubator Council, Attn: Fiscal Sponsorship Requested, PO Box 609, Bowie, MD 20718. Thanks in advance for your patience.
Boy o boy! Lots happening!
Last year we began accepting early app what we call peer “Empowerships™” groups for our 501c startups, entrepreneur & exempt small businesses. We also began searching for Leadership to run them.
Lots of interest, unfortunately few were genuine.
Prequals remain open, savings and gain membership that’s not for or focused on-Profits but Exempt Business.
For more information feel free to visit www.MembershipHQ.org regularly. We are extending Early Registration Discounts to Pre-Qualification Applicants for our Founders Association, its national Chamber, & our working group forum.
Fiscal Sponsorship Awardees, TASC Client – previous or current will receive a courtesy discount on Chamber & Founder Assn Memberships when they join both at the same time.
Want to help? We’re hiring Leadership & their teams, watch our “We’re Hiring” page for our Recruitment Bank to launch!
501cBizInc’s Recruitment Bank connects interested parties with HR Services who manages hiring across the charitable enterprise. As of this writing, we’ve about 35 charitable orgs & programs managed by EEF-501c™ plus 6 sibling Foundations. All roles begin as Volunteer Fellow & Internships no exception.
Can’t wait, email EEF501cBizIncRecruitmentBank@The501cBizIncubatorCouncil.com we’ll reply with an NDA, our Hiring Process which involves specific writing sample, org chart and list of role categories. DONT SEND RESUMES, we cant use them, they’ll be deleted.
Did you know 501cs are NOT eligible for many Federal Grants?
According to the SBA, 501cs are NOT eligible for MOST of their Technical Assistance Programs, cannot directly apply for Small Business Lending Opportunities, Hub Zone offerings or pursue Small Business Certifications?
REALLY! Its the “Small Business Administration! – from SBAs website.
Did you know bank loans for 501c startups are denied 9 out of 10 times? Private Study series being formally updated.
Did you 501c are excluded from Grants & Grant competitions offered by regular for-profit Business, common initiatives’ including those from the US Chamber of Commerce, State level programs, EVEN OTHER 501cs. Private Study series being formally updated.
So instead of insisting we be included, we’ve been creating our own initiatives. Check out our 501cLegUp & Academic Partnership as an example of what we’ve come up with.
We’re also poised to launch a unique enrichment program for new Exempt Founder/Leaders soon as our partnerships & resources are affirmed.
The Corporate Residency for Exempt Officers (crXo), Tax ID 33-3074973 is an insiders professional development program that marries Fiscal Sponsorship, Mentorship & confidential knowledge enhancement content that includes specific subject matter each Participant needs help with. Its a tuition-based program that shadows EEF501c Founder, includes several retreat-like residencies. We hope this program cultivates Peerage of business yet mission-minded Exempt strategist who become self-empowered to keep things going regardless of the political & economic environment. Wait List already started.
Fell free to download program applications, portfolio with descriptions of all our peer support offerings, and other materials from our PSRL. Our Program Description Package — a compressed file — hasn’t been replaced with updated info yet, that’s up next.
Please refrain from sending inquiring, there is no staff available to respond. EEF-501c is Executive Volunteers delivering Program Management and other supports.
Program information is always available 24/7/365 for download, kindly review carefully to determine your best course of action. We sponsor based on what you need help with NOT what your mission or work is. ALL our info is published for your convenience, and emails are purpose or process specific, not inquiries. Thank you for respecting and adhering to the process.
The Program description itself explicitly details all supports, each sponsorship type , any new sponsorships or program offerings coming up. Still don’t see what you need, reach out to REQUEST a customized sponsorship so we can custom create something specifically for you.

The 501c Business Incubator Council™ and later its lead charity EEF-501c™ began as volunteer work helping startups, mostly tax-exempt startups. As a Solopreneur the contrast between what was available as a for profit business vs. what was unavailable, restricted to the same person a 501c insulted the intelligence.
Exempt business is a legally registered business concern. As we are doing the exact same work WHY does there continue to be a difference in available resource or asset assistance when for profit & tax-exempts are both are legal business concerns. Dunno, matters not! We’ve got better!
Not only do we experience this first-hand we continued to learn from peers, stakeholders, former Awardees, clients, & others of the same blockages happening as time passes on. So, we didn’t spend time begging to be included we’ve spent that time building our own infrastructure.
So 501cBizInc Cncl™ has spent the last several years converting its internal resources, its charitable programs & services and several innovations into a network of legally recognized national charitable entities to serve the Tax-Exempt Business Entity (TEBE)™ and is reopening from COVID to facilitate support delivery system.
… and its doing so thru its national network of business assets, resources, supplies, and financial institutions to share with our exempt business peers.
Chartering our own national Federal Credit Union is a key part of our support infrastructure going well beyond the small dollar lending we’ve done to date. Guaranteeing we as 501cs ALWAYS have banking services that cater to our unique needs as a legal business concern that just happens to be a tax-exempt means we can move-n-groove as WE see fit, when we see fit, no barriers, no exclusions, with no problems — ever! These assets are already here!

Letter of Support (LOS) are encouraged by the National Credit Union Association (NCUA). NCUA is the Chartering body that forms, governs, and regulates Federal Credit Unions.
A profound Thank-You is extended to Eliana’s Light and the many others who have provided Letters of Support (LOS). We’ve included them in our Pre-Charter Application and we will continue include new ones to add to our portfolio for NCUA to record in support of our 501cFCU™ Charter as that process progresses.
If you would like to contribute, we are accepting letters supporting establishing a dedicated business banking institution for 501c’s as well as Promissory Commitment Letters (PCL) promising a commitment of funds to help with the FCUs pre-launch obligations/activities and its post launch operations, email your Correspondence to ISupport@501cFCU.org or snail mail it to the Incubator & Foundation at:

The 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC™
ATTN: 501c Federal Credit Union (501cFCU)™
Post Office Box 609
Bowie, Maryland 20718
For all other information and to learn more, including how to become a Founding Support Donor, return here to the FCU interim website at www.501cFCU.org. Thank you.